Posts Tagged ‘majolica house’

Mexican Bathroom Sinks – colours for your bathroom

Saturday, September 19th, 2009

We’d like to present you some ouf our hand painted bathroom sinks. Mexican sinks are unique pieces of art, rich in coulours and designs so that’s why we’ve selected some of our bathroom sinks and grouped them by colour (as a main colour) .

Blue Batroom Sinks
In our collection we’ve got different shades of blue, like : Maya blue, deep skye blue turquois, navy blue, etc.

Red Bathroom Sinks

Yellow Bathroom Sinks

Blue & White Bathroom Sinks

Black & White Bathroom Basins

Mixed Colours

To see more of our Mexican bathroom sink please visit gallery or just visit our Mexican Shop.

Tags:  bathroom sink, sink colours, ceramic sinks, talavera bowl, painted sinks, painted mexican bowl, pottery sink, mexican Talavera basin, mexican bathroom basin